Every lender and law firm has a need for various recovery management solutions and services. These services could include but are not limited to process serving, registry searches, Pre-Legal Contact (PLC) and others.
With a national vetted field network in place, Veranova is uniquely positioned to provide added value to lenders and landlords across Canada as a single source, compliant, management solution for field services support.
With an administration team of support services located in four offices across Canada (Calgary, Toronto, Montreal and Dartmouth), Veranova provides cost effective, time based performance measured solutions that drive efficiencies for our clients.
- Proven track record with large Canadian lenders including banks, credit unions, credit card companies, vehicle finance and subprime lenders.
- In-depth expertise and knowledge of real estate, mortgage default and the foreclosure process
- Single source, lower cost, fully compliant solution
Value for law firms
- Nation-wide legal support services
- Affidavits
- Proven track record
- Peace of mind